
Shawn Ashmore über weitere "X-Men"-Filme

Shawn Ashmore über weitere "X-Men"-Filme
0 Kommentare - Do, 16.11.2006 von Moviejones
Comingsoon hatte die Möglichkeit mit Shawn Ashmore über die Zukunft der "X-Men"-Reihe zu reden.

[..] "I know they are doing a Wolverine prequel and I've heard a rumor about a Magneto film... those are all in the past like prequels and origin stories, so I don't know. There are rumors about an X-Men 4, but as far as I've been told 'X3' was going to be the last big ensemble X-Men movie. I would love if they made another one, but I'm not sure that they will," he told us. Ashmore confirmed he is committed to another film just in case the studio greenlights one. [..]

Quelle: Comingsoon
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