
Iron Man

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Iron Man

Terrence Howard über "Iron Man"

Terrence Howard über "Iron Man"
0 Kommentare - Fr, 02.03.2007 von Moviejones
Comingsoon sprach mit Terrence Howard über die kommende Iron Man Verfilmung. Diese soll im nächsten Jahr in die Kinos kommen.
CS schreibt: [..] CS/SHH!: Can you talk about going into "Iron Man" which is a total fantasy world?
Terrence Howard: Not when you're working with Robert Downey Jr.; there's no fantasy about that. You're talking about getting ready for some action, 'cause what I love about him and [director] Jon Favreau is you cannot predict who they are and what they're thinking. And then you add Jeff Bridges to the mix; I still think about the film he did with Kevin Spacey. He's from another planet because he's present, but then he's in front of you at the same time. And then you've got Gwyneth Paltrow, so there's nothing fantastical about it. It's like, "You say you want to be an actor?" Every single one of these people have been nominated or have won an Academy Award, so now let's see what you're made of.

CS/SHH!: Talk about your character in "Iron Man."
Howard: I play a guy named James Rhodes, who becomes War Machine, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. I'm the liaison between Starks Enterprises and the military in the department of acquisitions. [..]
Quelle: Comingsoon
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