
Punisher - War Zone

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Punisher - War Zone

Thomas Jane nicht in „Punisher 2“

Thomas Jane nicht in „Punisher 2“
0 Kommentare - Do, 17.05.2007 von Moviejones
Da hatte wohl jemand genug vom Warten. Beziehungsweise vom täglichen Fitnesstraining, um in die Rolle eines gestählten Typen zu schlüpfen.
Laut AICN gab Thomas Jane in einem Interview an, dass er kein Interesse hat, in der Fortsetzung „Punisher 2“ mitzuspielen: „[..] I can’t tell you how completely broken up I am about it. After busting my ass at the gym four days a week for almost two years, watching every character driven action pic that any fan would ask me to watch while I was standing in line buying egg whites and Tuna fish after countless Saturday nights making notes and drinking soda water and munching on seaweed sticks while my daughter slept on my lap to the sound of automatic gunfire, (now she can’t sleep without it. I had to make a tape of automatic gunfire to play in her room at night) after hauling myself to any ‘Guns! Knifes! Ammo!’ show in any small town that I found myself in shooting Killshot or The Mist or Mutant Chronicles, after torn ligaments, screwed up rotator cuffs, thousands of $$$ on ridiculously huge vitamins, overly long conversations with frighteningly tall men about The Fastest Way To Kill Someone With Your Bare Hands, and after a dude refused to sell me a Fatburger at 2am on Santa Monica Blvd, I am, sadly – no, make that heartbrokenly – fuck it - just rip out the heart and stomp it into the pavement a couple of times – pulling out. Punisher fans are already fighting an uphill battle as it is. And I’ve always felt a responsibility to fight that fight for them and with them so that Frank Castle gets the treatment he deserves.” [..]
Quelle: TheMovieBlog
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