
Die Mumie - Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers

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Die Mumie - Das Grabmal des Drachenkaisers

Update zu "Die Mumie 3"

Update zu "Die Mumie 3"
0 Kommentare - Mi, 26.09.2007 von Moviejones
Die Dreharbeiten zu "The Mummy - Tomb of the Dragon Emperor" laufen, es wird somit Zeit für ein kleines Update.
Rob Cohen hat wieder einmal seinen Blog aktualisiert. Hier eins Auszug davon: [..] Tomorrow begins the big ten-day count-down to finishing the first half of the shoot, our sojourn here in Montreal. We then move to the desert north of Beijing to shoot the epic ending battle where the Terracotta Army takes the field once more. There are over 700 visual effects shots in the film and a good percentage of them will take place in the last twenty minutes of the movie. I am still on schedule which is as much a miracle to me as to the studio brass. There have been many days of elation and many moments of pain but, overall, it has been a shoot of smooth flow and meticulous detail. I've been editing behind myself because in a large VFX movie like this, I have to turn over sequences to Digital Domain and Rhythm & Hues, our two VFX houses, before the whole film is cut, or shot for that matter, just to make the delivery date in early July. [..]
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