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Wie ist der aktuelle "Meg"-Status?

Wie ist der aktuelle "Meg"-Status?
0 Kommentare - Fr, 01.06.2007 von Moviejones
Bei IMDB ist ein Post aufgetaucht, in dem Steve Alten auf den Stand der Dinge von "Meg" eingeht.
Das Projekt kam bisher nur schleppend vorwärts, dies stört nicht nur die Fans, sondern auch Steve Alten. Hier einmal der Post von IMDB: [..] Nick Nunziata and I were joking last week that the IMDB board at times reminds us of the children of Israel waiting for Moses to come down from Mount Sinai to deliver the Ten Commandments. After waiting for so long, the Israelites became so desperate they began listening to the negative voices (trolls) and built themselves a golden calf. All that did was piss Moses off, and God threw down a wrath or two.

We're not Moses, and there's certainly no wrath here. Nick and I appreciate everything you guys bring to the movie, and you've been patient as Job (man...I'm starting to sound like a religious freak...) But you can tell when the patience is wearing thin and a few of you are getting the calf mold out of storage.

While progress is being made (see below) so much MORE should have been done...if only the top Execs at New Line (Bob Schaye, Michael Linn, and Toby Emmerich) actually got behind the project personally as so many others at the studio have. I know domestic sales and foreign distribution love MEG, many others as well... and no...please do not harrass or send letters to these Execs, 37 passionate letters from well-meaning MEGheads won't mean much.

New Line HAS hired a line producer who has been involved in many big water movies, so that is progress. They ARE taking the MEG p.r. machine to Cannes to throw chum in the water, so that MIGHT mean something. But sometimes it feels like Jan de Bont is dragging New Line to the alter...and it makes no sense.

So we wait for the new budget numbers and we pray...just not to golden calves.

Me? I am so focused on MEG: Hell's juiced up by the story that my attitude now or not, Summer 2008 is going to be a MEG SUMMER!

--Steve [..]
Quelle: IMDB
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