
Start für "The Kominsky Method" Staffel 3, Duchovny in eigener Roman-Adaption

Moviejones | 25.03.2021

Hier dreht sich alles um die News Start für "The Kominsky Method" Staffel 3, Duchovny in eigener Roman-Adaption. Tausch dich mit anderen Filmfans aus.

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4 Kommentare
MisfitsFilms : : Marki Mork
25.03.2021 11:05 Uhr
Dabei seit: 09.07.13 | Posts: 4.458 | Reviews: 0 | Hüte: 126
Scarecrow : : Moviejones-Fan
25.03.2021 12:13 Uhr
Dabei seit: 09.09.11 | Posts: 452 | Reviews: 0 | Hüte: 4

Hat jemand eine Ahnung worum es in Duchovnys Roman bzw der Serie geht ?

DrStrange : : Moviejones-Fan
25.03.2021 12:23 Uhr
Dabei seit: 07.05.12 | Posts: 3.100 | Reviews: 53 | Hüte: 114


Nun... hier die Beschreibung vom Buch (englisch):

For the past twenty years, Bronson Powers, former Hollywood stuntman and converted Mormon, has been homesteading deep in the uninhabited desert outside Joshua Tree with his three wives and ten children. Bronson and his wives, Yalulah, Mary, and Jackie, have been raising their family away from the corruption and evil of the modern world. Their insular existencecontroversial, difficult, but Edenicis upended when the ambitious young developer Maya Abbadessa stumbles upon their land. Hoping to make a profit, she crafts a wager with the family that sets in motion a deadly chain of events.

Maya, threatening to report the family to social services, convinces them to enter three of their children into a nearby public school. Bronson and his wives agree that if Maya can prove that the kids do better in town than in their desert oasis, they will sell her a chunk of their priceless plot of land. Suddenly confronted with all the complications of the twenty-first century that they tried to keep out of their lives, the Powerses must reckon with their lifestyle as they try to save it.

"The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills"

Scarecrow : : Moviejones-Fan
25.03.2021 19:09 Uhr
Dabei seit: 09.09.11 | Posts: 452 | Reviews: 0 | Hüte: 4

@ DrStrange danke für die Info

wird wohl kein zweites Californication frown

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