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Eine Liste von Janosch mit 10 Serien (Letztes Update: 24.08.15)
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Bob’s Burgers
Cartoon, Comedy
Hello and welcome to Bob’s Burgers. The burger of the day is the "child molester" — it comes with candy. Get it?
South Park
Cartoon, Comedy
Satan: Saddam. But... I killed you.
Saddam Hussein: Well where was I supposed to go? Detroit?
Cartoon, Comedy, Science Fiction
Good news everyone!
Rick and Morty
Abenteuer, Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction
Thank you, Morty. You are not like other carbon-based lifeforms. You put the value of all life above your own.
BoJack Horseman
Cartoon, Comedy
when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags
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