
Die Simpsons - Der Film

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Die Simpsons - Der Film

Plot-Details zum kommenden Simpsons-Film

Plot-Details zum kommenden Simpsons-Film
0 Kommentare - Fr, 07.04.2006 von Moviejones
Bei AICN gibt es ein paar Informationen zur Handlung des kommenden Kinofilms rund um die gelbe Familie.
VORSICHT SPOILER! AICN schreibt: [..] In the movie Homer causes an accident at the nuclear power plant - which causes the town's drinking water to be spoilt. Therefore, Erin Brockovich is guest starring - playing herself. After the incident, Homer gets fired from the plant, and majority of Springfield's citizens move away. There is not going to be a dome built over the town. [..]
Quelle: AICN
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