
Hostel 2

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Hostel 2

Weitere "Hostel 2" Kritik aufgetaucht

Weitere "Hostel 2" Kritik aufgetaucht
0 Kommentare - Di, 12.06.2007 von Moviejones
Bei TheMovieBlog ist eine weitere Kritik zu "Hostel 2" aufgetaucht. Diese ist mit 3.5/10 sehr schlecht ausgefallen.

TMB schreibt: [..] When we're first introduced to the characters of Stuart and Todd (played by Roger Bart and Richard Burgi respectively. As a side note both these guys also appeared together in the hit TV show Desperate Housewives) I thought they'd be two lame characters. But as the film went on I started to really appreciate the element they brought to the film, and as you get closer and closer to the end of the movie (thankfully), the performances Bart and Burgi give get better and better and better. By the time the credits rolled, you find yourself wishing you could see more of them. The two of them gave nothing short of fantastic performances in a film that had some absolutely BRUTAL ones.

Hostel 2 gives us a little bit of a deeper look into how the "Hostel" works. Who runs it. How do people get connected with it. What's the deal with the tattoos. It does a pretty decent job of fleshing out the workings of the place, how big it is, and even it's own sense of "honor". I enjoyed that aspect of it.

This has to be mentioned first. The performances by the 3 lead actresses in the film, and ALL the supporting cast aside from Bart and Burgi, was absolutely atrocious, laughable and extremely distracting (especially Bijou Phillips). Good grief, even Roth's cameo appearances in the film were crap. How the hell do you blow a cameo?!?!?! Well... Eli found a way. The performances by the leads made me hate their characters. Part of what makes horror work is when you FEAR for the characters... you identify or empathize with them. With such terrible acting, all I wanted was for these 3 bitches to get knocked off as fast as possible... making the film lose so much of the flavor that the first Hostel had. Shame. [..]

"Hostel 2" startet diese Woche in den Kinos.

Quelle: TheMovieBlog
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