
Hellboy 2 - Die goldene Armee

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Hellboy 2 - Die goldene Armee

Abe Sapien im Interview

Abe Sapien im Interview
0 Kommentare - Mi, 10.01.2007 von Moviejones
Er ist Abe Sapien und der Pale Man, aber selten bekommt man ihn nur in Natura zu Gesicht. AICN nutzte die Gelegenheit und führte ein umfassendes Interview.
Während des Gesprächs ging es neben "Pans Labyrinth" auch um "Hellboy 2". So schreibt AICN:
[..] C: Guillermo also mentioned when he and I were talking about HELLBOY 2, correct me if I’m wrong, but he said you’re actually playing more than one character in that film.

DJ: Right. This hasn’t been "officialized" or anything yet, in fact, most of the cast is still without a contract at the moment, so we’re all--I’m using the quote marks in the air--we’re all “in talks.” But, I think, when we come to terms, I’m confident that we will, I believe that there are maybe one or two other characters that he has in mind for me as well. I haven’t been to the creature shop yet to see what those designs are and what the creatures actually are.
C: Did he give you any indication what they would be?

DJ: I have a script so I can guess, but I don’t really know for sure.
C: Can you say if they are villainous in nature?

DJ: [Laughs] I’m going to guess that yes. I’m going to guess they are. HELLBOY 2 is going to be like a big piece of rich cheesecake for action and comic book and horror fans. It’s going to bring a lot together. And, it’s got creatures galore. That’s the whole nature of HELLBOY and the BPRD team is that we fight the forces of hell. So, when those gates of hell are opened up, and things are running amuck on earth, you’re gonna see some critters. So, that’s great.
C: You did Abe's voice for the animated Hellboy films, right?

DJ: I sure have. We finished SWORD OF STORMS. It’s already out on Cartoon Network and, I think, the DVD comes soon in February. The next one is BLOOD AND IRON, and I’m not sure when that airs on the Cartoon Network, but I think it’s lookup-able.
Quelle: AICN
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