
Ocean’s Thirteen

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Ocean’s Thirteen

Kritik zu "Ocean's Thirteen" aufgetaucht

Kritik zu "Ocean's Thirteen" aufgetaucht
0 Kommentare - Do, 07.06.2007 von Moviejones
Bei TheMovieBlog gibt es eine recht kurze, dafür aber informative Kritik zu "Ocean's Thirteen". Diese ist mit 7,5/10 recht positiv ausgefallen.
„Ocean’s Thirteen“ startet heute in den Kinos. TMB schreibt: [..] Ocean's 13 is easily the best of the "THREEQUEL" movies so far this summer... maybe the only watchable one at that. It's quite funny, has amazing style, great characters.... and I'm always a sucker for a heist film. Ocean's 13 pulls off what VERY few film franchises have done... make pat 3 the best of the series. Sometimes too confusing, sometimes too unrealistic, the film still works for me a lot. I really enjoyed this movie. On a scale of 1-10 I give Ocean's 13 a 7.5 out of 10. [..]
Quelle: TheMovieBlog
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