The Art of War

Wesley Snipes in "The Art of War 2"

Wesley Snipes in "The Art of War 2"
0 Kommentare - Mo, 15.10.2007 von Moviejones
Obwohl Wesley Snipes erst nicht in der Fortsetzung mitspielen wollte, hat er es sich nun anders überlegt. Geldprobleme?
"The Art of War" war sicher nicht der beste Actionfilm aller Zeiten, aber durchaus unterhaltsam. Für die Fortsetzung wurde nun erneut Wesley Snipes verpflichtet. So schreibt TMB: [..] At first, they say, he wasn’t going to star in the sequel, but maybe money problems and traveling issues inspired him to reconsider. Snipes starred in The Art of War in 2000; it was a mid-range, generally-forgotten action movie that starred him as UN covert op that uses questionable means to keep the peace. However, then he’s framed for the murder of a bunch of Vietnamese refugees, and he has to find the answers in the typical wrongly-accused film fashion. [..]
Quelle: TheMovieBlog
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