
Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer

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Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer

CS Kritik zu "Fantastic Four 2 - Rise of the Silver Surfer"

CS Kritik zu "Fantastic Four 2 - Rise of the Silver Surfer"
0 Kommentare - Sa, 16.06.2007 von Moviejones
Bei CS wurde eine Kritik zu "Fantastic Four 2 - Rise of the Silver Surfer" online gestellt, mit 7/10 Punkte ist diese positiv ausgefallen.
Der Film startete diese Woche in den amerikanischen Kinos, in Deutschland müssen wir uns noch bist zum 14. August gedulden. Die Kritik beinhaltet viele Spoiler, lesen auf eigene Gefahr. Hier ein Ausschnitt von der Kritik: [..] Obviously a major addition to the series is the Silver Surfer. He's kind of a mixed bag. He looks exactly like he does in the comics. Scenes of him floating in space should send Surfer comic fans into happy little squeals of glee. However, when he flies around Earth, he looks a little too much like the T-1000 for comfort. The added effect of him flying through objects or morphing with his board further emphasizes the similarities (and further changes him from the comics). However, late in the film he loses his shine and interacts more physically with our heroes. It's those scenes where he looks the best and I suspect a lot of it was makeup effects, not CG. Laurence Fishburne was also OK as the voice, but he had very few lines in the film. The real question is whether or not he was good enough to prompt a Silver Surfer solo movie. To be honest, he was a bit dry in "Rise of the Silver Surfer," but I think there's potential for a good sci-fi adventure with him. [..]
Quelle: Comingsoon
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