
Punisher - War Zone

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Punisher - War Zone

Neues zum "Punisher 2"-Dreh

Neues zum "Punisher 2"-Dreh
0 Kommentare - Do, 03.01.2008 von Moviejones
Regisseurin Lexi Alexander hat erneut ein Update zum Dreh von "Punisher Warzone" abgegeben.

Lexi Alexander hat in ihrem offiziellen Blog ein neues Update zu "Punisher Warzone" veröffentlicht. Neben den obligatorischen Neujahrsgrüßen spricht Alexander auch über die Dreharbeiten zum Film. Neben lobenden Worten für Ray Stevenson, der wirklich das Abbild des Punishers geworden sein muss, spricht sie auch über Jigsaw und lustige Begebenheiten. Der Beitrag enhält viele interessante Details und sollte unbedingt gelesen werden.

Hier ein Ausschnitt: [..] There were a few surreal incidents that happened during the shoot. One was that for the first week of shooting, every time Ray Stevenson stepped in front of the camera, it started raining. It gave us all goose bumps because Ray portrayed Frank Castle with all his pain and history so well that the rain was perfect for the dark mood and feeling of those scenes. I'm sure everybody will think I used rain machines, but cross my heart and hope to die, there were no rain machines.

The other even more bizarre incident was during a scene we call the Alley Fight. The location looked beautiful and pretty much everybody was mesmerized by the colors and lights we had chosen for it. It wasn't until the next day when we watched dailies in my trailer that we realized there was a huge lit-up skull -- identical to the Punisher skull -- glowing through the front door of a building in the background. I immediately complimented my DP and the key gaffer on the great idea, but they were as stunned as I was. Nobody had planned that. It just appeared.

That's pretty much how the whole movie went for us and other than the two major snowstorms we had to endure, the movie Gods were clearly on our side. The cast was fantastic and they all exceeded my expectations. Ray was so intense and he really, really became the Punisher. Dominic made Jigsaw so much more than he was on the page. I finally got to work with Doug Hutchinson and boy oh boy, does he have some acting chops! [..]

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