
Hitman - Jeder stirbt alleine

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Hitman - Jeder stirbt alleine

Timothy Olyphant ist Agent 47

Timothy Olyphant ist Agent 47
0 Kommentare - Mi, 07.11.2007 von Moviejones
Bei Comingsoon gibt es ein umfangreiches Interview mit Timothy Olyphant. Dieser spielt Agent 47 in der Spieleverfilmung "Hitman".

In dem Interview geht es um die Re-Shots und viele andere Dinge. "Hitman - Jeder stirbt alleine" kommt am 13. Dezember in unsere Kinos. Hier ein Ausschnitt aus dem Interview von CS.

[..] CS: What were the re-shoots about?
Timothy Olyphant: Yeah, we did this kick-ass little action sequence in there, a couple little touch-up's and stuff, and little bits and little inserts. It's lovely to have that luxury. And then we had this action sequence that we sort of added.

CS: Did Xavier Gens direct the re-shoots?
Olyphant: He is involved, he's very involved. I saw him when I was there. He did not direct the re-shoots, but I don't know what Fox's position is on that - maybe he did direct the re-shoots? But, yeah, no I heard that talk that he was fired and I kept saying I was trying to get that guy fired for months. They finally fired him? F*ck! I was saying forever, "He doesn't speak English, doesn't anyone see that as a problem?"

CS: Can you tell us a little more about Agent 47?
Olyphant: He's based on this video game character. He's essentially this guy who was born and bread for the purpose of killing. The story is essentially about this guy; he was hired to do this job and he does it, seemingly as well as he's done any other. And then he's told by the people he works for there was a witness and he's got to clean that up. Something's not right when he sees her - it's a woman played by Olga Kurylenko, who's just fantastic. She did a really lovely job, and there appears to be no recognition when she sees him, which obviously means something's not right. And the next thing we know is someone is trying to kill me; the guy who I thought I killed is on television and nothing makes sense anymore. This guy's world is being turned upside down. [..]

Quelle: ComingSoon
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