
Der gestiefelte Kater

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Der gestiefelte Kater

Wird es „Puss in Boots“ geben?

Wird es „Puss in Boots“ geben?
0 Kommentare - Di, 08.05.2007 von Moviejones
Auch wenn Dreamworks immer wieder betont, dass sie sich in erster Linie um aktuelle Produktionen kümmern, dürfte Fans die Frage nach dem „Puss in Boots“-Spin Off durchaus interessieren.
Bei CS gibt es diesbezüglich ein paar neue Informationen: [..] Will there be a Puss in Boots movie? Antonio Banderas says yes; according to the producers, well... they're really keeping their mouths shut about it.

The voice of the feline, Banderas, says, "It's fantastic 'cause Donkey doesn't have one! There was a Puss in Boots movement right there. No, I'm very happy that happened; I didn't expect it at all at the beginning that was going to be developed. In this one, they push him more, they're pushing like they've never done before." [..]
Quelle: Comingsoon
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