
I Am Legend

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I Am Legend

Pressekonferenz zu "I am Legend"

Pressekonferenz zu "I am Legend"
0 Kommentare - Mi, 12.12.2007 von Moviejones
Freitag geht es in den USA los. "I am Legend" startet in den Kinos. Passend zum Film gab es eine Pressekonferenz.

ShockTillYouDrop hat die Pressekonferenz zu Will Smith neuen Horrorstreifen "I am Legend" veröffentlicht. Während in den USA der Film schon diese Woche in die Kinos kommt, müssen wir uns bis Neujahr gedulden. In Deutschland geht die Jagd auf Will Smith erst am 2. Januar los.

Ein Ausschnitt der Pressekonferenz:
[..] Question: How significant do you think it is that the last man alive is African-American?
Smith: Well, first and last, baby. [laugh] It's funny, it's almost a metaphysical idea for me. I rarely think about that until somebody brings it up. Then I say, 'Oh, wow.' That never actually crossed my mind in that way. For me, the acknowledgements of those ideas put a weird boundary on my thoughts that I can't allow to be a part of it. It sorta makes me think smaller, if that makes sense. All that is to say I never really thought about the significance of that with the film. [..]

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