
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Review von Turtles bei JoBlo

Review von Turtles bei JoBlo
0 Kommentare - Mi, 21.03.2007 von Moviejones
Bei JoBlo gibt es eine Kritik zu dem neuen animierten Turtles-Film. Mit 8/10 Punkten ist diese recht gut ausgefallen.
JoBlo schreibt: [..] I never thought I'd use the word "dark" and "kids" in the same sentence to describe a film oriented towards the littler ones, but this was a great dark action/adventure flick that adults can appreciate also! I used to collect the TMNT comic books way back when and this movie totally translates the whole feel of those comics to the big screen -- although minus the blood. The film will definitely pave the way for many more TMNT flicks to come, in my opinion. Good story, great characters, lots of action, funny and excellent CGI. Basically, everything you could ask for in such a movie! I'm not sure how the "older" fans of the franchise will feel, but let’s face it, once it hit the Saturday morning cartoons, the franchise quickly geared itself toward younger viewers. And that’s OK! I went to see this film with my five year old nephew and we had a blast! The other cool thing was that there were strong intelligent female characters in the film who kicked major ass, so it's likely to appeal to young girls as well. [..]
Quelle: JoBlo
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