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"Predator 3" mit Sylvester Stallone?

"Predator 3" mit Sylvester Stallone?
0 Kommentare - Di, 26.09.2006 von Moviejones
Bei IESB gibt es ein paar Details zum Thema "Predator 3"!

[..] Predator 3 (won't be called that), would be a brand new chapter in the series - and all those rumors about it starring The Rock or John Cena as Schwarzenegger's character, Dutch, aren't true. One bit of a interesting talk is that Sylvester Stallone might be being coaxed to do battle with the new "Predator". Guess they're thinking someone who can equal Arnie's statue? Not that he'd be playing the same character. I'd say that the plan is solely on FOXs end, and not Sly's end - who seems to have enough 'franchises' on the go. [..]

Quelle: IESB
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