
Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels

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Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels

Frank Marschall über "Indy 4"

Frank Marschall über "Indy 4"
0 Kommentare - So, 09.12.2007 von Moviejones
Frank Marschall ist zur Zeit in Plauderlaune. Diesmal spricht er über "Indiana Jones und das Königreich des Kristallschädels".

Comingsoon führte ein umfangreiches Interview mit Frank Marschall und seinen zukünftigen Projekten. Natürlich kam im Verlauf auch "Indiana Jones 4" in dem Gespräch vor.

So schreibt CS: [..] "What we've done is we moved it from the '40s to the ‘50s so we're acknowledging that everybody's 10 or 15 years older and it plays into the story," he told us when asked about how things would be different from the earlier movies. "We're not trying to hide that Harrison's older, but we have Shia LaBeouf coming in as his sidekick, so we've got a young element. The best way to describe the movie is that it's an Indiana Jones movie. It's got all the style and elements of the old movies, and we're not really trying to do anything different." [..]

Quelle: Comingsoon
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