
Spider-Man 3

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Spider-Man 3

"Spider-Man 3" und gemischte Kritiken

"Spider-Man 3" und gemischte Kritiken
0 Kommentare - So, 22.04.2007 von Moviejones
Bei AICN gibt es lauter schöne Kritiken zu "Spider-Man 3" zu lesen. Einige sind extrem positiv, andere eher durchwachsen. Wird er an seine Vorgänger heranreichen?

Wie immer gilt bei diesen Nachrichten die Spoilerwarnung. Lesen auf eigene Gefahr.

AICN schreibt u.a.: [..] I have thoroughly enjoyed reading AICN's special essays on the films of 1982, and sometimes I become melancholy and wonder if films now will ever be as joyous and electrifying as the movies of my youth.

Well I am extremely happy to report that Spider-Man 3 is one of the most fun and exhilarating movies that I have ever seen. Recent films like 300 and Grindhouse have been great, but Spider-Man 3 is awe-inspiring. Not since Return of the King have a been so stoked with a movie. It's everything a superhero movie should be. This is definitely the strongest of the Spider-Man films, and that's saying a lot. Be warned though: it is not perfect, and there are some less-than-great parts to the movie. There is also a section of the movie that will totally divide audiences. More on that at the end of this review. [..]

Quelle: AICN
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