Lethal Weapon

Danny Glover über "Lethal Weapon 5"

Danny Glover über "Lethal Weapon 5"
0 Kommentare - Sa, 04.09.2004 von Moviejones
Comingsoon nutzte während eines Interviews die Gelegenheit Danny Glover nach "Lethal Weapon 5" auszufragen.

Den Fans dürfte die Antwort aber weniger gefallen: [..] When asked about doing another Lethal Weapon movie, he scoffed at the idea, putting the final nail in the coffin of the successful franchise. "It's an oxymoron to some extent. Whether there's going to be Lethal Weapon movie, I mean, I know that there's not going to be another one, so to fascinate over that… It had its life and it was a part of my life at one point in time. To say that if it came again, would I do it is like saying…" (While he couldn't come up with an analogy, it seemed pretty clear that it wasn't very likely to happen.) [..]

Quelle: Comingsoon
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