Lethal Weapon

Kommt "Lethal Weapon 5"?

Kommt "Lethal Weapon 5"?
0 Kommentare - Di, 07.08.2007 von Moviejones
Gerüchte um einen fünften Teil der "Lethal Weapon"-Reihe gibt es immer wieder. Nun tauchen wieder ein paar neue Spekulationen auf.
So schreibt Cinemablend: [..] According to Moviehole, Warner Brothers are starting to toss around the idea of rekindling Riggs and Murtaugh for one more adventure. Of course, this isn’t the first time the idea has come up, and Mel Gibson is typically the killer for the concept. Apparently his career has gotten too big to slap himself in the face and make three stooges noises (refraining from any comments about who he’s busy slapping instead). Of course, with Mel really needing to win back the public eye again, could he be interested this time around?

The less discriminating of the two, Danny Glover, is reportedly not coming back until he’s seen a script, which director Richard Donner claims to have, or at least some semblance of something like a script. Donner doesn’t appear concerned about Glover wanting to see a script and states the whole thing hinges on Mel. If he’s in, there’s a Lethal Weapon 5. If not, no movie. I have to respect that. At least he’s not thinking he can get some young Aussie to partner up with Chris Rock’s character and do Lethal Weapon: The Next Generation. Donner has more respect for his franchise. The studio… well, I’ll expect a cut if they steal my idea. [..]
Quelle: Cinemablend
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