
Saw 4

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Saw 4

Die Pressekonferenz zu "Saw 4"

Die Pressekonferenz zu "Saw 4"
0 Kommentare - Mi, 17.10.2007 von Moviejones
Nächste Woche startet "Saw 4" in den USA. Die Werbemaschinerie läuft somit nun auf Hochtouren.
Die Seite ShockTillYouDrop hat einen umfangreichen Bericht über die Pressekonferenz zu "Saw 4" veröffentlicht. Für den kompletten Bericht sollte man der Quelle folgen.

Hier ein kurzer Ausschnit: [..] Opening in an autopsy room, Saw IV solidifies the obvious for those who have been watching the series with fanatic vigor: Jigsaw is dead. Ka-put. A fleshy vessel on a steel slab with much to say (see the movie and you'll know what we mean). And according to producers Mark Burg and Oren Koules of Twisted Pictures, keeping the series alive under that cold truth - call it "Saw: AJ" (or, After Jigsaw) - has been the greatest challenge. "Our job right now is to figure out how to make the story move forward having killed Jigsaw yet not want to make a movie without Tobin Bell," says Burg. Adds Koules, "We keep doing them because we keep coming up with fresh ideas." And in the case of part four, those ideas are sprayed like blood from an open jugular across a larger narrative canvas than any of the previous "Saw" films have played against. It's a sequel and a prequel, a temporal mind-f**k that introduces new characters - such as FBI agent Strahm (Scott Patterson) - and welcomes some old ones: Jill (Jigsaw's ex-wife), Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) and Rigg (Lyriq Bent), to name a few. [..]
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