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Mehr Informationen zu "Stargate 2+3"

Mehr Informationen zu "Stargate 2+3"
0 Kommentare - Di, 22.08.2006 von Moviejones
AICN nutzte die Möglichkeit bei einem Interview um Dean Devlin ein wenig über die theoretischen Stargate-Fortsetzungen auszufragen.
So berichtet AICN:
[..] QUINT: You mentioned on the panel that you finally have the rights back to make sequels to STARGATE. What was holding the rights up?
DEAN DEVLIN: It's not that the rights have cleared up. The previous regimes at MGM have been very wary about doing the sequel movies. There's a new group of people running MGM now and they're all big science fiction fans. So I've been talking about doing the sequels with them. There is no deal in place yet to make these films and we're only in the very early stages of discussion. But at least there seems to be genuine interest in continuing the franchise.

QUINT: Will the second film pick up with the same characters from the original, continuing that story?
DEAN DEVLIN: When Roland and I developed the original STARGATE film, we had always envisioned it as the first of a trilogy of movies. There was a larger mythology to tell and we've always wanted to finish telling the story we started.The sequel would take place about 12 years after the original and would pick up with Daniel making a discovery that leads him back to Earth and the discovery of a new and different Stargate!

QUINT: Where are you currently with the development of the sequels?
DEAN DEVLIN: At the moment, we're only in discussions about the possibilities of doing it. [..]
Quelle: AICN
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