
Hellboy 2 - Die goldene Armee

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Hellboy 2 - Die goldene Armee

Doug Jones über "Hellboy 2"

Doug Jones über "Hellboy 2"
0 Kommentare - Fr, 18.01.2008 von Moviejones
Schauspieler Doug Jones, der mehrere Rollen im Sequel spielt, hat sich einem ausführlichen Interview gestellt.

Doug Jones, der in "Hellboy 2 - The Golden Army" direkt inflationär vertreten ist - als Abe Sapien, The Chamberlain und als Angel of Death - hat in einem Interview mit dem iF Magazine interessante Einblicke in den neuen Film von Guillermo del Toro ermöglicht. Hier ein paar Auszüge aus dem Gespräch:

[..] iF MAGAZINE: What are some of the new and exciting things you got to do for HELLBOY 2?

DOUG JONES: When I first read the script I was very excited about this one and the film shoot not only lived up to my expectations but surpassed them. I have never been so exhausted and hammered by a film schedule in my life, but I have also never been so satisfied by my involvement in a movie. [Director] Guillermo [Del Toro] wrote such a beautiful role for Abe this time, in addition to my two other roles in this film. I also play the Angel of Death and the Chamberlain, which is a smaller role, but both of those roles turned out to be yummy delicious moments of fun. The Angel of Death especially, I got goosebumps reading the script and people would come up and tell me that I gave them goosebumps on set, so it worked!

iF: What else can audiences expect in this new flick?

JONES: Well, I can’t tell you too many spoilers, but I can tell you more about my role in everything. Abe gets to do more action which is a first, but he also has a love interest. Reading it was very charming, but playing it out on film was another thing entirely. The woman they cast to play Princess Nuala, Anna Walton, is tall, has long limbs, and is gorgeous in her own special way. [..]

Für alle interessierten Leser sei die Quelle empfohlen. Anfang September kommt die Comicadaption in unsere Kinos.

Quelle: iF Magazine
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