
Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer

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Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer

Set-Besuch von "Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer"

Set-Besuch von "Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer"
0 Kommentare - Mi, 23.05.2007 von Moviejones
CS führte einen Setbesuch von „Fantastic Four – Rise of the Silver Surfer“ durch. Dieser ist in fünf Teile untergliedert.

Der Bericht beschäftigt sich mit dem Fantasticar, den Darstellern, der Produktion, dem Autor und natürlich dem Regisseur. Der Film kommt am 15. Juni in die amerikanischen Kinos. Deutsche Fans müssen hingegen bis zum 14. August warten.

Hier ein Ausschnitt; für den vollen Bericht einfach der Quelle folgen. CS schreibt: [..]"We tried to get the Fantasticar in the last movie," Story said, "but it didn't make sense for it to come that early." When the sequel started to take shape, "the two top things I started working on were the wedding and the Fantasticar. The car is like the fifth character of the Fantastic Four and it's just cool, you know. Flying cars and breaking up in pieces, and them all having their own pod and having control. I just knew it would be as cool to the audience as it seems to me, so I just got into it immediately."

"Maybe it's because I helped design the Batmobile," Flattery said, "but people seem to see the Batmobile in everything. Maybe because it's such an icon. That was part of the challenge with this, it had to be something so unique and original. And so, Tim [Story] and I discussed what it should be and what it could do and I went away and did a bunch of different sketches. His reactions to them were that it had to be really aggressive and cool, but yet soft. And so, I started drawing from nature, the shape is basically derived from a stingray." [..]

Quelle: Comingsoon
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