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„Cloverfield“-Regisseur spricht Klartext

„Cloverfield“-Regisseur spricht Klartext
0 Kommentare - Mi, 19.12.2007 von Moviejones
Matt Reeves, der Mann hinter dem Monstermovie, stellt sich den Fragen von ShockTillYouDrop. Was gibt’s Neues?

„Cloverfield“ läuft am 18. Januar in den USA an und lässt Raum für zahlreiche Vermutungen zu. Schließlich ist es ein weiterer Monsterfilm, der inbrünstig erwartet wird. Matt Reeves stellte sich in der Zwischenzeit dem Team von ShockTillYouDrop. Lest hier, was Reeves zur Taktik sagt, das Monster zu “verstecken”:

ShockTillYouDrop: There’s concern out there that you’re using this style to hide the monster and that we won’t ever get a good look at it - similar to “The Blair Witch Project.” Reeves: It’s funny, when we first started I hadn’t seen “Blair Witch” at the time and thought I should go look at it because obviously there will be comparisons with the Handicam approach. I thought the concept was effective but I noticed immediately that they hadn't followed their idea through as clearly as what we were going to do. I think in that movie, it’s not only the Handicam but there’s 16mm black-and-white footage inter-cut, too. We wanted this to be as if someone found a Handicam, took out the tape and put it in the player to watch it. What you’re watching is a home movie that then turns into something else. But the other thing I noticed was that the “Blair Witch” guys obviously didn’t have the resources to make a big movie and this was a great way to tell their story. They used that to their advantage to create great suspense. We’re creating great suspense while you see the great features of this monster. The other thing I think is very exciting is this monster is huge and you see everything. You see it in a way that is if you’re shooting it with a Handicam. If you’re hiding under a car, you see it that way, and there are other moments - I can guarantee you - you are seeing this monster in a huge way.

”Cloverfield” kommt am 31. August 2008 in unsere Kinos. Leider viel zu spat für unsere Begriffe.

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