
The Invasion

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The Invasion

Schlechte Kritik zu „The Invasion“

Schlechte Kritik zu „The Invasion“
0 Kommentare - Do, 17.05.2007 von Moviejones
AICN hat eine Vorabkritik zu „The Invasion“ veröffentlicht. Der Film stand bisher unter keinem guten Stern und auch die Kritik fällt alles andere als gut aus.
Wie immer ist Spoilergefahr gegeben!! AICN schreibt: [..] There is absolutely no suspense, no thrills, no nothing for any movie goer looking for such. Why? For one, they never show the aliens or monsters or whatever that's supposed to be taking everybody over. No pods with tentacles or some other scary looking creature to be afraid of. Creative choice not to show it, you say? Clever idea to build suspense? If it was, it didn't work. In fact it bombed miserably. We just see some snot covered bodies that are "infected" and then those bodies wake up, peel dried snot off of them and are now "baddies." Come on, snot? Really? I'm supposed to be terrified of boogers? What is this, 2nd grade?

All the movie is, is people staring into the camera. It's like it was a movie extra's dream come true. The number one rule of an extra is not to stare into the camera. But all you see in this movie is exactly that. Numerous extras staring into the camera. Apparently that's what the aliens do when they are scoping out potential non-aliens. I guess this is supposed to make them threatening. Sorry, I have had numerous staring contests in my life and I didn't pee my pants during any of them. Not one. [..]
Quelle: AICN
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