
Man of Steel

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Man of Steel

Mark Millar will sich durchsetzen

Mark Millar will sich durchsetzen
0 Kommentare - Mi, 24.10.2007 von Moviejones
Nachdem die letzten Drehbuchautoren von „Superman“ ihren Hut nahmen, sieht ein anderer seine Chance.
Wie wir gestern berichteten, werden Michael Dougherty und Dan Harris beim nächsten „Superman“-Film nicht mehr dabei sein. Mark Millar, seines Zeichens Drehbuchautor (Wanted), sieht die Gunst der Stunde und will seine Vision des kommenden Sequels „The Man of Steel“ verwirklichen. Auf seinem Blog schreibt: [..] „It's 8.58am right now, my guys at CAA get into the office in about seven hours and my call will be waiting for them to talk about this. I want to revamp Superman like Hillary wants thin ankles. Revamping this franchise is what I as given fingers for and so, invited or not, I'm putting my plan together now. I've been asked to work on half a dozen screenplays lately, but this is the only one I have ever truly wanted. As most here know, I have literally hundreds of pages of notes and sketches just waiting for this opportunity. This would be my dream gig and, as a fan, I know exactly what this project needs to work. This has to be Superman for the 21st Century, keeping everything we adore, but starting from scratch and making the kids love it as much as the 30-somethings. I would honestly write this thing for free. Anyway, my treatment is being polished as we type. Wish me luck. I want to do that Superman movie we all want to see.”

Abwarten, welcher Autor sich durchsetzt und Warner Bros. von seinem Skript überzeugt. Der Film wird unter der Regie von Bryan Singer übernächsten Sommer in die Kinos kommen.

Quelle: SuperHeroHype
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