
30 Days of Night

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30 Days of Night

Melissa George im Interview

Melissa George im Interview
0 Kommentare - Do, 18.10.2007 von Moviejones
Diesen Freitag startet in den USA "30 Days of Night". Melissa George stellte sich im Rahmen der Promotion den Fragen von ShockTillYouDrop.
"30 Days of Night" ist der neue Horrorfilm mit Ben Foster, Josh Hartnett, Melissa George, Danny Huston, Manu Bennett und Kate O'Rourke. Am Freitag startet der Film in den amerikanischen Kinos. Der Deutschlandstart findet am 8. November statt. Für das komplette Interview mit Melissa George einfach der Quelle folgen. Hier ein kurzer Ausschnitt. So schreibt STYD: [..] I know you've said you didn't want to do a lot more horror after doing this movie.
Melissa George: You know, it's not about genre, it's about the script. You can never say "never" because every movie has, sometimes a great storyline or a genre, which everybody loves to pigeonhole things into. Could be horror, you never know.

Shock: True, even David Slade's previous movie "Hard Candy" was considered horror, which I'm not sure is altogether accurate.
George: D'you see what I mean? People love horror. They call it a horror even if it's not a horror. ‘Cause it had a horrific scene in it, so it becomes a horror.

Shock: Are you a fan of the genre, because you've definitely been doing a lot of horror movies lately.
George: Well, lately? No, like three years ago I did "Amityville" and then this one.

Shock: And "Turistas."
George: That's not horror. No. It's a precautionary tale. It's a sexy Brazilian movie.

Shock: Oh, okay. It certainly was marketed as a horror film.
George: Of course they market it as a horror film, because that's what they think sells, but no, I don't think.. I've been doing "Music Within" which is not a horror. "Waz" is not a horror. "Stopping Power" is not a horror. "Entreatment" is not a horror. My next six jobs are not horror.

Shock: Even so, are you a fan of horror movies?
George: I like interesting films like "30 Days of Night", yeah. [..]
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