
Punisher - War Zone

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Punisher - War Zone

Ray Stevenson spricht über "The Punisher 2"

Ray Stevenson spricht über "The Punisher 2"
0 Kommentare - Mi, 22.08.2007 von Moviejones
Ray Stevenson hat ein wenig über seine Beteiligung an "Punisher - Welcome back Frank" gesprochen.
So schreibt SHH: [..] Although i am still very much in the embrionic stages of developing and discovering FRANK CASTLE's character; what i can say about my approach so far is that I dont wish for anyone to walk out of the theatre wanting to 'be' FRANK CASTLE - Let me explain, I would be mortified if, for any reason, some kid at high school wanted to reach out and right the wrongs of bullying or rejection or isolation by deciding to "tool up" and take out the bad guys ! [..]
Quelle: Superherohype
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