
Der Goldene Kompass

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Der Goldene Kompass

Set Bericht: "His Dark Materials"

Set Bericht: "His Dark Materials"
0 Kommentare - Do, 01.02.2007 von Moviejones
Bei CS kann man einen umfangreichen Set-Bericht vom Fantasyfilm "His Dark Materials". Dieser startet Ende des Jahres weltweit in den Kinos.
CS schreibt: [..] The story centers around a 12-year-old girl named Lyra (played by newcomer Dakota Blue Richards) who is trying to find her best friend Roger. She lives in a world that is somewhat similar to ours, but in her universe a person's soul lives on the outside of their body and takes the form of a talking animal spirit called a dæmon. As a child's dæmon matures, it can change in shape, but as a person gets older, their dæmon settles into one form. The attachment between a person and their dæmon is incredibly forceful and a human without their dæmon is considered to be horribly disfigured and taboo. As Lyra sets out on her journey to rescue Roger, she finds herself on an unexpected mission to not only save her world, but ours as well. The Golden Compass stars Nicole Kidman as Mrs. Coulter, who is hopelessly enchanting but conceivably dangerous, and Daniel Craig as Lord Asriel, who is a merciless voyager and intellectual with a peculiar past. The film also stars Sam Elliott as Lee Scoresby, Ian McShane as the voice of Ragnar Sturlusson, and Eva Green as Serafina Pekkala. Although the screenplay was initially written by Tom Stoppard, the studio and Pullman felt it was not quite what they were looking for so they had the film's director, Chris Weitz, rewrite the script. Ileen Maisel, senior VP of European Productions, said Stoppard "took the script in a direction that we did not want to make. It's that simple. He focused on the science. He focused on the physics. And he focused on the majesterium. We always believed what Philip believed which is the story is about Lyra." Before we were shown clips from the film, producer Deborah Forte told us how long she's waited for this project to be made and how excited she was that it's really happening. "Just to give you a little context for what you're going to see by way of background, this project for me started almost 11 years ago when I read the manuscript for "Northern Lights," which is the name of "The Golden Compass" in the U.K. When I read the manuscript for the book, I thought to myself, 'Who is this extraordinary writer?' I had never read Philip's work before. And wherever he's going, I want to go with him. And it struck me that this material was singularly visual, emotional and cinematic. And I called him about making a film and he said, 'Okay, I think it's a good idea. Even though films never get made from books that are options, let's see what happens.' It took a very long time. It's 10 years later now and it's been a really interesting journey." [..]
Quelle: Comingsoon
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