
Justice League

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Justice League

"Justice League" und die Streikprobleme

"Justice League" und die Streikprobleme
0 Kommentare - Di, 13.11.2007 von Moviejones
Der Streik in Hollywood gefährdet viele Filmprojekte. Vor allem "Justice League" ist bedroht.

So wichtig "Justice League" auch für Warner Brothers ist, sollte der Streik bis zum Februar andauern, könnte der Starttermin 2009 ins Wanken geraten.

So schreibt CS: [..] Major tentpoles are the most vulnerable should the strike drag on. Warner Bros. execs are nervous about how to proceed with "Justice League of America," which is still uncast and is a crucial potential franchise boasting popular DC Comics characters. While WB expects to move ahead on most of its projects, if the strike extends past February, the studio will have some reevaluating to do. [..]
Quelle: Comingsoon
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