
Pirates of the Caribbean - Am Ende der Welt

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Pirates of the Caribbean - Am Ende der Welt

„Fluch der Karibik 3“ Kritiken aufgetaucht

„Fluch der Karibik 3“ Kritiken aufgetaucht
0 Kommentare - Fr, 18.05.2007 von Moviejones
Bei AICN sind zwei Kritiken zum dritten Teil der „Fluch der Karibik“-Trilogie online gestellt worden. Diese sind recht kritisch, aber dennoch positiv ausgefallen.

Die Kritiken beinhalten massive Spoiler, wer sich also die Freude nicht verderben will, sollte sie lieber nicht lesen. Für den mutigen Rest gibt es hier einen kleinen Ausschnitt und es wird auf die Quelle verwiesen.

AICN schreibt: [..] “World’s End” ties up the story started in “Chest.” Instead of long, pointless action pieces like the ‘natives’ in “Chest,” all of the action, all of the subplots are all pieces to the puzzle. It could’ve stood to lose 30 minutes or so, but for the most part, it was enjoyable. It doesn’t stand up to the first but it surpasses the second.

One of the subplots and the driving force of the entire film is a mythical love story between Davy Jones and the woman who made him the ‘thing’ that he is. His life, his very soul, was taken from him only because he loved the wrong woman. The nature and story of the woman is integral to overall plotline, so divulging it would be wrong. However, the scene where Davy Jones confronts the woman who damned him was tense and satisfying. This is all thanks to Bill Nighy’s ability to soak up all of a scene’s kinetic energy and blow it out through the screen.

I was relieved to see that Davy Jones was the center here, instead of the tireless, boring, mundane romance between William Turner and Elizabeth Swann. (For fans of the romance, there is resolution). I didn’t care in the 1st one, I loathed them in the 2nd, and because they were merely in the background, I wasn’t as bothered in the 3rd. [..]

Quelle: AICN
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