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Bereits "Transformers"-Fortsetzungen geplant?

Bereits "Transformers"-Fortsetzungen geplant?
0 Kommentare - Mo, 11.06.2007 von Moviejones
Am 2. Juli kommen die Transformers in die amerikanischen Kinos. In einem Interview äusserte sich Di Bonaventura bereits über mögliche Fortsetzungen.
Demnach sind Fortsetzungen von "Transformers" weitaus komplizierter als man annehmen möchte. So schreibt SHH: [..] One would expect it would at least be easier to do a sequel now that they've designed and worked out how to create the Transformers for the movie. "From a production point of view, it is; from a script point of view, how do you take it forward?" the producer said. "Shia certainly feels like he's leaving high school at the end of this movie or feels like he's matured to that place, so where do you take him? It was a lot of questions that we have to ask ourselves that will be satisfying and interesting for us to try to put forward and for the audience to get on board. From a technical point of view, yes, Michael and ILM solved a lot of the most daunting technical issues, but knowing Michael and knowing all of us on it, we're going to create new ones for ourselves and have to figure out those, too." [..]
Quelle: Superherohype
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