
Punisher - War Zone

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Punisher - War Zone

Lexi Alexander über "The Punisher"

Lexi Alexander über "The Punisher"
0 Kommentare - Fr, 24.08.2007 von Moviejones
In ihrem Blog sprach Lexi Alexander über die Vorproduktion von "The Punisher - Welcome back Frank".
Neben viel Geplauder über die Vorproduktion, spricht Regisseurin Lexi Alexander auch über Ray Stevenson. Vor allem das derzeit durchgeführte Training wird angesprochen. So steht auf LA: [..] For the past few weekends, Ray has also had major Military training with a bunch of badass Marines from a company called Gunmetal. I love Marines. In the first year I moved out to the US, I was asked to teach a little hand-to-hand combat seminar to a group of Marines at Camp Pendleton. That was before they had their own, now very famous, Martial Arts program. I quickly understood why the Germans called Marines "Teufelshunde." They have trained and continue to train Ray very well. [..]
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