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Michael Bay über "Transformers"

Michael Bay über "Transformers"
0 Kommentare - Do, 21.06.2007 von Moviejones
In einer Frage-Antwort-Runde hat Michael Bay, in Los Angeles, ein wenig über seinen aktuellen Film "Transformers" geplaudert.
So schreibt SHH: [..] Q: I believe it was Don Murphy said you had no nostalgia for these Transformers – does that make it easier to make the film, like a doctor operating on a stranger versus a friend?
Listen, I'm a huge Transformer fan now, I can officially say I've probably thought more about robots on earth than anyone in the past year and a half. Yeah, I actually think that because I wasn't a fan I think makes it more accessible to other people, does that make sense? Megatron was a gun, and I'm like, "I don't get that," and I did get a lot of flak from fans on the net, like, "Michael Bay, you wrecked my childhood." "Michael Bay, you suck. We're going to protest his office." They protested my old office apparently. That's true. The death threats freak me up, but I think we've – I would listen to fans on the net, I really would. I would kind of hear their comments, but I'm still going to make my movie and I'll still put flames on Optimus.

Q: That helped because when they were fighting I knew it was Optimus?Bay: You see. Thank you.

Q: But you gave them lips.
Well, because, you know we did a lot of facial studies, and emotion is so hard without that kind of movement. We tried it solid, it just didn't look right.

Q: There's talk that they're hoping to get "Transformers 2" if this one is a success, as everyone's assuming it's going to be, sometime next year but aren't you going to be busy with "Prince of Persia"?
I don't know, I leave my negotiation open, because the President of Paramount is right behind you. He could probably kill me. I don't know what I'm doing right now. There's no script right now. [..]
Quelle: Superherohype
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