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Positive Kritik zu "Transformers"

Positive Kritik zu "Transformers"
0 Kommentare - Mo, 18.06.2007 von Moviejones
Die Ersteindrücke zu Michael Bays neuem Actionfilm waren bisher immer gemischt, nun gibt es die erste richtig gute Kritik.
Bei TheMovieBlog findet der geneigte Leser eine interessante Kritik zum Film. Diese enthält viele Spoiler, also Vorsicht. Soviel sei gesagt, sie ist recht positiv ausgefallen und „Transformers“ wird als Bays bester Film bisher bezeichnet. Der Film kommt am 3. Juli in die amerikanischen Kinos, in Deutschland startet er am 2. August.

Hier ein Ausschnitt aus der Kritik: [..] Since Transformers is a kick butt, amusement park on acid, weep for joy kind of movie I will make my complaints brief and then get onto the good stuff. In my opinion the one area that has room for improvement is the soldier story line. One of the first scenes in the movie has a bunch of soldier shooting the breeze in the desert talking about their loved ones. This scene frightened me for a moment or two into thinking that this movie might be a sappy lemon, of course then some amazing, freaky action started up so I relaxed. The movie continues on in fine form but these soldiers pop up every now and then and each time they do I am slightly bothered. They are one of three human stories in the movie and while the other two are well thought through and properly written the soldiers lack proper ammunition. The dialogue is pretty lame and the story predictable, even the quirky funny soldier leaves me wanting. Luckily for us they have the smallest amount of screen time and the other two human plotlines more than make up for it. [..]
Quelle: TheMovieBlog
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